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  • Build your DIY autosteer and field guidance system with Raspberry Pi and components from electronics marketplaces -

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    What features would you like to see in Tractor Pilot for Raspberry Pi?
    Share you suggestions

  • Turn your Android Tablet PC or smartphone into precise field guidance or autosteer system with FREE Tractor Pilot Android app and additional hardware connected to device USB port -

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  • We are developing our own plug-n-play hardware to turn your agri vehicles into highly automated or autonomous robots. Robust alternative to DIY solutions -

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  • Discussion of any external hardware that can be connected to Tractor Plot - steering motors, wheel angle sensors, etc

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    Keya motor

    Voltage 12V
    Power 50W
    Speed 100RPM
    Torque 7N.m
    Precision 0.1 degrees
    Interface RS232, CAN2.0 (self-defined)

    Screenshot from 2024-04-22 13-22-32.png
    Screenshot from 2024-04-22 13-22-40.png

  • NTRIP caster for your rovers and RTK stations -

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    Write here If you experience any troubles with connecting rovers to RTKdata NTRIP caster and we'll try to help

  • Online control, tracking and telemetry service -
    Someday it will become full-fledged Farm Management Information System (FMIS)

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    What features would you like to see in Tractor Pilot Connect?
    Share you suggestions

  • Continuously Operating Reference Station based on Raspberry Pi with GSM and LoRa (for fields with bad GSM coverage) RTCM corrections delivery from Tractor Pilot Team.
    More info here -

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    What features would you like to see in CORSAIR RTK station?
    Share you suggestions

  • ISOBUS is the standard for CAN-bus communication between implements, tractor/harvester systems and FMIS.
    We pay great attention to ISOBUS and will provide support for all major isobus features

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