@Bodzio what information do you need?

Rovers connection. Troubleshooting -
New RTK stations connection. TroubleshootingNo, you should see the data as soon as the base station connected.
What's your base station name? -
v.055 Released!New features in v.055
Swath Editor
Automatically built swathes do not always have the best headland turn position, especially on irregular-shaped fields. Now you can move the headland turn position in special editor. Press "T" button at the right side of main screen to open the editor
Select the swath you want to move in the respectful combobox, fill-in the offset value(negative values will reduce the swath length, positive values will increase the length) and click "Correct button" -
Routes are saved automatically. After you start the app the last generated route will load
Test Loop Route
Test Loop Route is introduced for testing and tuning autosteer settings. Click Tractor icon at the left sidebar, then Steering Settings, then Test Loop button to load TLR. The width of Test Route is selected automatically according to the working width of the active implement, the length of Test Route can be adjusted in "Other Settings" section of the app -
Routes generation performance significantly enhanced
Top Field View looks better now
Tuning settings don't overlap the main screen anymore.
Holeshaft BLDC steering motorsKeya motor
Voltage 12V
Power 50W
Speed 100RPM
Torque 7N.m
Precision 0.1 degrees
Interface RS232, CAN2.0 (self-defined)
Wheel angle sensorsWheel angle sensors discussion
ISOBUS CAN adaptersISOBUS CAN adapters discussions
Holeshaft BLDC steering motorsDiscussion of BLDC steering motors
Feature requestsWhat features would you like to see in Tractor Pilot for Raspberry Pi?
Share you suggestions -
Assembly questionsQuestions about assembly, module connection
DC steering motors and driversDiscussion of DC steering motors, drivers and gears
Feature requestsWhat features would you like to see in Tractor Pilot Connect?
Share you suggestions -
Feature requestsWhat features would you like to see in CORSAIR RTK station?
Share you suggestions -
Rovers connection. TroubleshootingWrite here If you experience any troubles with connecting rovers to RTKdata NTRIP caster and we'll try to help
Where to buy hardware modulesRaspberry Pi 4 (2-4Gb RAM)
Raspberry Pi 4 2Gb ~60$
Raspberry Pi 4 2Gb ~40$GPS modules
UBlox F9P module with USB port ~150$
GPS antennas
Helix multifrequency antenna for RTK GPS ~50$
Round multifrequency antenna for RTK GPS ~50$IMU sensors
BNO 085 IMU sensor ~20$
Analog-digital convertors (ADC)
ADS1115 ~2$
Steering Motors
DC motor 350rpm ~73$
Keya BLDC with CAN-bus controlMotor drivers for DC motor
IBT-2 ~2$
Cytron MD13S ~20$Wheel angle sensors
AA-ROT-120 ~20$
CAN bus adapters (for ISOBUS connection)
10.1 with integrated touch ~113$
Bright LCD -
Where to buy hardware modulesHere is the full list of modules required for building Raspberry Pi based guidance and autosteer system.
In this topic you can share the links where to buy them -
Feature requestsWhat features would you like to see at RTKdata NTRIP caster?
Share you suggestions -
New RTK stations connection. TroubleshootingWrite here If you experience any troubles with connecting reference stations to RTKdata NTRIP caster and we'll try to help